Physical Description
In Windmaster, Brodie is fifteen. In Windmaster Golem, he is thirty. The slender youth grew taller and broad shouldered with muscles developed from intensive weapons training. One thing that doesn't change is his intense brown eyes. The following excerpt is the first introduction to the young man who would later be an important part of the Isle of Mages.
Dal and Ellspeth’s weapons rose and fell in unison. In the face of their combined attack, one by one the soldiers between Dal and his target fell until only three remained. Ellspeth faced Gille Erim, who screeched at the retreating and wounded men to “stand fast.” Defending Ruaridh stood his last remaining soldier, a sword held in a manner more inexperienced than mercenary.Dal allowed himself several heartbeats to get his breath. His chest heaved in an effort to refill his lungs. His arms tiring, newly-healed cuts burned from the sweat that now streamed down his back. Yet he stared cold-faced at those before him.
“Ruaridh will not leave the field alive.” Dal closed the distance to Ruaridh’s fragile protection. He lunged forward and knocked the sword from the soldier’s hand. Beneath the askewed helmet, Dal saw frightened eyes within a pale face.
He could not be more than sixteen turns, Dal realized. “Unless you want to join him, I suggest you leave.” The hope that flickered across the youth’s face brought a memory of another boy who stood disarmed before a superior warrior. He heard Telarim the Red’s words again, as if for the first time.
I might as well use Telarim’s technique. “Return to your home,” Dal ordered the youth. “If in two turns you still want to soldier, find Telarim the Red. Tell him Lieutenant Dal sent you. Telarim will teach you well if you’re willing to learn.”
The boy stepped aside, careful to keep his hands away from his sides. His throat convulsed several times before he was able to speak. “My lord, my life is now yours. I have no home to return to. For your mercy, command me and I am yours.”
Dal stared down into brown eyes young with life. “Take that black gelding. Go to Stratven and present yourself to the King’s Guard. The toiseach of the guard will assign you work until I get there.”
After Ruaridh's troop was defeated, Brodie followed Dal's command and studied for a year with the tioiseach of King Fraunces court. He learned quickly, picking up both strategy and weapons then spent a cold season at the winter camp of the mercenary, Telarim the Red. It was during this time he discovered his talent for weaponsmithing and he learned everything he could from the unit's master.
Brodie honed his skills upon his return to Stratven where he earned commissions making custom weapons for the town elite, including the king. What would set the course for the next phase of Brodie's life came when he received a request from the king to take a message to Dal at the Isle of Mages. Dal and the isle's sergeant-at-arms offered Brodie a position at the School of Mages. Brodie stayed on, making the journeyman daggers for the apprentice mages who did not have one and teaching them weapons and self-defense.
An excerpt from Brodie's time at the Isle of Mages can be found in the posts Fog Attack and The Mist Strangles.
More About Him (Secrets or Public)
Brodie is friends with the residents of the Isle of Mages, both those possessing powers and well as not. His friendship with Lord Dal and Lady Ellspeth came with a potential problem. Their teen-age daughters have a crush on him.
Although not a mage, Brodie rides a fàlaire stallion. Wirake is not just a member of the herd of magical equines that live near the Isle of Mages, but the son of the head stallion.
A secret not known by many is that the long sword Brodie wields is named, something only give to special weapons. TânOer was blessed by both Dal and Ellspeth, imbuing it with special powers.
I hope you enjoyed this introduction to Brodie. Find excerpts for Windmaster Golem by clicking on the cover in the banner. To purchase Windmaster Golem, use the links below.
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Enjoyed this book ages ago
ReplyDeleteI love your covers
ReplyDeleteBrodie sounds intriguing. I like the idea of a magical horse, too.