For the next several weeks, the posts will showcase magic of a darker kind. From Imprisoned in Stone, a snippit using the #Bookqw "eager." To set the stage, Maerva, Colwynn, and Dylan are on the run from the Brethren.
Every movement in the shadows tightened Maerva’s fingers on the hilt of her sword. Although she saw no signs of pursuit, the threat of the Brethren remained. Eagerness to see her brother warred with Maerva’s fear that Arcil had already left port, cutting off that avenue of escape. The gently rocking masts of anchored ships in Erbras harbor and the familiar tang of salt air brought by the gentle breezes did nothing to ease her racing thoughts. A few feet farther up the street, Dylan led the small caravan through the rapidly-darkening town. The surety of his direction raised questions. How much of Gareth still existed in the body controlled by Dylan? Did some blending of their spirits occur when the binding between this life and the next, and between the stone and soul separated?
Dylan halted his mount and waved for Maerva and Colwynn to close up. He gestured down an alley. “The building on the left is Kennat’s store. He has no love for the Brethren, and as storekeeper, if anyone has news of Wayward Bound, he will.” Dylan dismounted, turned over the reins to Colwynn and with a glance both ways, left the alley. His footsteps rumbled on the porch boards, then silence settled over the area.
Maerva strained to hear the conversation within the building, but no matter how long she held her breath, no sounds rose above her pounding pulse. Heavy footsteps sent her hand to the hilt of her sword.
“It’s me,” Dylan hissed. “Bring the horses.” He stepped around the corner. His broad smile heralded good news. “Kennat said a trading vessel named Wayward Mist under Arcil’s command docked yesterday. Arcil, or some of his crew, should be at the Sailfish Inn. Apparently, the first officer of the Bound was promoted and took over as her captain.”
Despite a need to see her brother, Maerva curbed an instinct to gallop to the tavern and kept Rascal to a slow walk.
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Great excerpt. What will they learn at the tavern
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