
Competition, Dragon Destiny, #wewriwa #SundaySnippit


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Today's excerpt is from the romance-fantasy Dragon Destiny. In celebration of the summer and outdoor activities, a little light-hearted competition.


Seeing she had the attention of the others, Anastasia explained the rest of her plan. “Twelve arrows or bolts to each archer. Five points for the first to empty his quiver. Standard points for hits in the rings. The one with the most points wins.”

“Wins what?” Uaine said. Although his tone was innocent, his smile gave Anastasia an inclination of where his thoughts were going. “A kiss from the fair Lady Anastasia?”

“I do not care to be treated as chattel to be won,” Anastasia retorted. “So I will man the short bow. Uaine, you use your longbow. Fenit is the best archer in the caravan with the crossbow. He even modified his weapon to store multiple quarrels for faster shooting.”

“Make it four targets,” Oran added. “I may only be a ceoltier, but I’ve fired a bolt or two.”

“And the prize?” Uaine persisted.

Destiny cannot be avoided --
especially when love controls the journey.
Dragon Destiny
, Book one of the Dragshi Chronicles. 

Click this link to Purchase Dragon Destiny 

Thanks for visiting. I hope you enjoyed this brief excerpt and want more. For more sneak peeks, continue to the next stop in the Weekend Writing Warriors blog.


  1. interesting to find out what the prize is indeed ;-) nice snippet.

  2. Good for her for refusing to be the prize! Tweeted.

  3. I'm betting that kiss is the reward. Nice tease!!

  4. ooo, way to leave us hanging! nice snippet :)

  5. Oh, yeah, sure. Leave us hanging. LOL. Great snippet.


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