
Hooked on Imprisoned in Stone, Hide #MFRWHooks #Bookqw

An excerpt from Imprisoned in Stone using the #Bookqw "Hide." To set the stage, Maerva is caught in the library by Colwynn's father.


Colwynn bowed his head to take his father’s censure. At least Maerva was safe. Now he had to figure out how to handle his father’s rage at Maerva’s presence in the library—a place by the Brethren’s decree that allowed no woman. The pain of a blood-letting burned again on his skin and in his brain. He could not allow Maerva to suffer the ritual.

Cuhlwch stalked back and forth between the shelves and the work table. “You nicely explained that female’s presence here, but not yours,” the head of the Brethren growled.

Knowing his father’s mood, Colwynn decided instead of the usual stance of subservience, his best defense was to stand his ground. After summoning a block behind which to hide his true emotions, he raised his gaze to meet his father’s. “I was following your orders regarding control and geas. Some of the notes I found at Tralin’s were missing pieces. I’m trying to find them. To master the ritual, you need to understand it. I’m hoping to find answers to complete the spell.”

A piercing stare ripped through Colwynn. Unlike the earlier occasions when he took a submissive stance, this time he stood with his feet braced shoulder-width apart, his back straight, and his head held high.

* *   END OF EXCERPT   * * 

Buy Links: all sellers / Amazon 

~till next time, Helen


  1. Looks like a showdown is imminent. Who will win or will his father accept his explanation? Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love father/son relationship stories. Looks interesting!

  3. Love his new stance - he's ready for whatever's coming.

  4. Love your descriptions of him.


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