
An Encounter Amongst Friends, Dragon Destiny #wewriwa #SundaySnippit


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Today's excerpt is from the romance-fantasy Dragon Destiny.

To accommodate the age of Anastasia (17 years-old) at the Competition and A Reward Claimed, the awarding of the final prize is left to the reader's imagination. To aid in that vision, this post captures a reunion between Uaine and Anastasia. Albeit, both are a few years older.

To set the scene, Anastasia now studies at the Ceoltier Guild. Since no female can be trained as a ceoltier, to protect Anastasia from those who would kill her because of her association with the dragon lords, she is disguised as a male apprentice and goes by the name, "Stosh."


Throwing on a faded apprentice tunic, Anastasia ran down the stairs two at a time until she caught herself on the locking bars of the front door. A tug and the heavy wood panel swung open to reveal a changed Uaine. No longer the beardless youth of her first acquaintance, a muscled, self-confident male stood before her.

“It is good to see you, Anastasia,” Uaine said. He picked her up and swung her around in an abundance of exuberance.

She felt a warmth creep up her back. The power of his arms brought back a reminder of another embrace, one now seasons past. Branin was far away, Uaine was here.

A cough broke the direction of her thoughts. “I don’t want to intrude on old friends reuniting after several seasons apart,” Vivel’s wry tone said. “However, two male apprentices embracing on the front steps might set tongues wagging.”

The emphasis on male reminded Anastasia of the slip of her disguise.

Destiny cannot be avoided --
especially when love controls the journey.
Dragon Destiny
Book one of the Dragshi Chronicles. 

Click this link to Purchase Dragon Destiny

Thanks for visiting. I hope you enjoyed this brief excerpt and want more. For more sneak peeks, continue to the next stop in the Weekend Writing Warriors blog.

 ~till next time. Helen


  1. Sounds like there's some chemistry going on! Enjoyed the excerpt!

  2. Loved the snippet.

    1. Sorry about the anonymous thing. It's Suzi Love.

  3. Whoops! A disguise is a terrible thing to waste. Great spontaneous scene to set the emotions between them!

  4. Oops, busted, unless Anastasia has a way to make a quick save. Tweeted.


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