Thank you for visiting Journey to Worlds of Imagination during the 2024 A to Z in April Challenge. To make following along easier, or to catch up with a missed post, a list of previous posts is here.


A-Z - Fantasy From Land to Sea

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary Blogging Theme Reveal 

Thirty posts is a lot. That is two-thirds of the posts I did in the Marketing for Romance Writers 2018 challenge. But I had an entire year to come up with those 52 posts. It was one a week not one a day.

This post is supposed to set the theme for the April A-Z challenge. The posts will focus on the characters and settings of the Windmaster Novels and the Dragshi Chronicles, with a touch of the writing life tossed in for variety.

The dragshi are more than just a man or woman. Each are two beings–one a dragon, the other a human–sharing one body in space in time and able to change forms with the other at will. Their world and the adventures of the dragon shifters are recorded in the Dragshi Chronicles.

Off to start singing the alphabet song. Hope you'll join me April 1st for "A is for Anastasia." Here is the master list of blogs joining me in singing the alphabet song. 

~till next time, Helen


  1. Lovely idea for shapeshifting! Looking forward to learning more about this world! :)

    The Multicolored Diary

  2. Sounds like a fascinating universe! Anastasia is a beautiful name.

  3. The 'dragshi' sounds intriguing. Looking forward to the post re: Anastasia.

  4. This is a great idea. You can play around with ideas before fine tuning them. Looking forward to read more about the Dragshi.

    Varad's A to Z theme reveal

  5. Sounds like it's going to be an interesting A to Z challenge!

  6. Looking forward to what you've got planned for us in April, and I'm most definitely curious about the dragshi.

  7. I love this type of stuff and will definitely be visiting during April!

    Entertaining Interests

  8. I see we have a theme in the same vein - I'll also be writing about my setting. Looking forward to your posts!

  9. Sounds very interesting. Looking forward to reading yours posts in April. Wish you the best with the A2Z Challenge

  10. Sounds interesting. I will look forward to reading your posts in April.

  11. I love the play on the shape shifter!

  12. I will be reading your posts to see how you develop your unusual theme!

  13. Sounds like a great theme! Looking forward to it.

  14. Wow, I love your theme! Definitely must follow you this month.



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