
A Secret Identity

For the next in the series of posts introducing some of my favorite people (or people I love to hate) from the fantasy romances of the Dragshi Chronicles, you are invited to meet Glyn from Hatchling's Mate and Hatchling's Vengeance.

Physical Description

There are two sides to Glyn. The public side is that of a 23-year-old male. Women of the world have long hair, often worn in a braid. For more formal occasions the braid can be woven around the head and held in place by jeweled pins to make a glittering crown. In contrast, Glyn wore her wavy dark hair short to match the male persona. 


Glyn was born somewhere in the Revarn Mountains. Orphaned when her parents were lost at sea, her kin, the trading clan, Clan Miller, took her to Cloud Eyrie, the home of the dragshi. Lady Eirwen, leader of the dragon lords, chose Glyn to be a companion for the newest of the dragshi, Lady Lexii Beylnea. At the time it was decided that Glyn would pretend to be a boy.

The oath of loyalty to the Dragshi that was given by her kin was later re-affirmed by Glyn when she became of age. But the responsibility did not come without some advantages. Fine clothes and food were her commonplace lifestyle. However, it was the education at the Ceoltier Hall given her that she appreciated the most. Reading and writing, and learning in the arts was complemented by lessons in tactics and history. Natural talent made her a skilled swordsman and marksman with bow and arrow and helped fulfill her role as bodyguard to Lexii.

More About Her (Secrets or Public)

Glyn lived in fear that her friends would discover her true sex--and the fact that she had lied to them her entire life.

Although men ride a stallion or gelding, Glyn rides a seidheirn mare. When anyone comments why does a man would ride a "woman's horse," the answer that the mare is a companion for Lexii’s mount answered the question. However, not the challenge to Glyn's masculinity or pride. To keep Lexii safe and to maintain her disguise, Glyn fought more than one bully. And if the challengers were too numerous for one person, no matter how skilled, to defeat. Then Glyn's friends Talann and his bodyguard/companion, Kynan, would join in the foray.

I hope you enjoyed this introduction to Glyn. Find excerpts by clicking on the cover in the banner.

Buy Links:
One click to sellers  Hatchling's Mate  /  Hatchling's Vengeance


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