
Meet the Characters of the world of Windmaster #MFRWHooks

I thought to start off the year with an introduction to the characters of the Windmaster Novels. You've might have met them when the posts where originally published. Or if you missed meeting Captain Ellspeth or Lord Dal, or any of their friends or enemies, you can click on the name to meet the characters including their secrets and plans, what they look like and more.

Then for excerpts and a free read of the first chapter, click on the covers in the top banner. If
if you haven't read the paranormal, romance, fantasies and are interested to learn more, buy links are provided at the bottom of the post.
From left to right: Captain Ellspeth, Lord Dal, Lady Kia, Lady Pelra


Dal (Posed for the Windmaster Legacy cover)

Ellspeth (With knife in hand, ready to repel borders on the deck of Sea Falcon)


Kiansel (Her beauty graced the cover of Windmaster Golem)



Pelra (Come swim with the dolphins as does Lady Pelra on the cover of Windmaster Legend)



Find the Windmaster Novels are your favorite online store including Amazon / Smashwords / More Sites





  1. Fantastic covers, Helen, and very intriguing characters.

  2. Beautiful covers. I'll admit that being broke I make my own covers. Maybe one day I'll be able to commission an actual artist to do so.


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