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E is for Eyrie

By definition, an eyrie is a lofty nest of any large bird. Another definition is a house, fortress, or the like, located high on a hill or mountain. So it is appropriate the high mountain citadel of the dragshi is called High Eyrie.

The dragshi are more than just a man or woman, but two beings—one human, the other a dragon. The pair share one body in space and time and are able to change forms with the other at will. But be warned, a dragon form comes with more than just the freedom of the sky.

To show more about Cloud Eyrie, an excerpt from Hatchlings Curse of Anastasia, the newest member of the dragshi and her first attempts at the dangerous mid-air shift from human into dragon form.


Forcing down his fear, Branin pointed out a white rock jutting from the granite wall mid-way to the valley floor, “Stacia, that is the point of no return. You need to change forms with Jessian and be on the wing before you fall below that rock.”

For several moments, Anastasia stood in silence until Branin wanted to carry her back to their room, ending the madness. It was my idea for her to learn. Time for the master to trust his judgment.

He pulled her close, seeking to impart every bit of his strength to her. Her heart pounded so hard he felt it through his tunic. Forcing a smile, he broke the embrace. “Ready, darling?”

Her soft, “Yes,” sent fire racing through his veins.

Before he could change his mind, Branin stepped back and moved to the far side of the ledge. Whispering his word of change, he left behind his human body to take on Llewlyn’s dragon might and wings. He snaked his head over a shoulder for a final look at Anastasia and stepped off—into nothingness.

The reality of her intended action chilled Anastasia's skin and soul. They will catch me if I fall too far, she told herself. They will stop me from hitting the rocks on the valley floor below.

<Llewlyn is strong,>As she had so often since Jessian awoke and their souls combined, Anastasia felt the love of her dragon sister.

Branin’s thought broke through her ruminations. <Anastasia, fix the word of change in your mind. Let us know when you’re ready.>

Dealan’s voice ended Anastasia’s watch of the black spots that were Liam and Branin. “I remember my first time. What does Jessian say?”

Anastasia sensed her soul twin’s rising excitement. “Jessian is ready.” And after a moment added, “So am I.”

Dealan reached out and took Anastasia’s hands in hers. “On three. One... two... three.”

Hand in hand with Dealan, Anastasia ran to the end of the cliff—and out into space. The feeling of freedom, of not being bound to the earth filled her soul. Jessian echoed with her own pleasure.

<Change, Anastasia,> Branin ordered. <Now!>

The hint of anger, or was it panic, broke the thrall. Shimmering symbols of an ancient language formed in Anastasia’s head. With careful precision, she visualized holding the magic in her hands until the power formed a glowing orb that pulsed with her heartbeat, then added “shia” so the sound rolled off her tongue. A heartbeat later the changing mist surrounded her. On the next, she emerged as a red dragon on the wing. Trumpeting her success, Anastasia stroked for the heights.

Buy links, excerpts, and first chapters of the tales of the dragshi can be found at the Dragshi Chronicles, or by clicking on the individual book covers in the banner.

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~till next time, Helen 

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting excerpt! Dragshi sound like a great thing to be, hopefully the best bits of dragons and humans combined. All the best for the challenge.


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